no time for a cool subtitle
As it says above, just stopping in for a quick update before I get back to work.
Here we are, holidays over, and novella #2 in Eternal Queen’s Skies is officially out. :]
Now that the hectic end/beginning of the year is past, we’re back with some more releases. Catch them as they come out, they’re good, fun, short reads while you wait for the incoming Ashes 5. :p
You can find the new Knight of Arcadia here.
It’s a good read and I’m proud of it, pick it up today!
…oh, and please leave us a review, if you will. Dreadful Ashes still has very few, and Call of Arcadia and Knight of Arcadia have next to none. We could really use the help if you have a couple of minutes to spare.
You can find the links for the reviews below:
Dreadful Ashes
Call of Arcadia
Knight of Arcadia
Thank you, and have a happy new year!