
Sunday News: New Novella, Upcoming Novel

Gooood morning Darksbane Fans!

So this is a quick update since I did most of the updating in the recent Wednesday post even though I shouldn’t have! ๐Ÿ™‚

But we do have a good update for the week! Anna finished another novella!
Steel & Steam #3 is on it’s way to publication! If you haven’t started this series yet, I can highly recommend it.
Anna invented this series, setting, everything whole-cloth without my help so I’ve been enjoying it as a reader and editor and maaaan I’ve enjoyed it! Seriously epic work in an incredible world setting that I just want to dig into and play with, with awesome characters I am in love with too!

So what’s next?

Dying Ashes #2 will be coming out earlyish next month. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anna’s already written it, just gotta run rewrites and get it out!

And I’m focused on writing Risen (Dakota#4). I’m hoping to have it ready by the end of First Quarter 2017. I’m doing my best to push it out but I also want it to be excellent.

And meanwhile, we’re finishing up Site revamps and moving on with a new year full of new books, new looks, and lots of great stuff for you guys to enjoy!

Got a question? Feedback? Suggestions? Shoot us a line at contact@darksbanebooks.com and we’ll be happy to respond as soon as possible.

Well folks, short, sweet, and to the point it is today!

Have a wonderful week, and thank you for being a fan!

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