
Meet the Darksbane Books Team!

No author can do it all alone. Well, I mean you can, but you get a lot more errors that way! We love our team members, and wish to honor them here for all the work they do! These are the wonderful ladies who help support our work at Darksbane Books and make our books into quality products for you to enjoy! Thanks girls!


Jen Colbert
Developmental Editor

Jen is Shei’s sister. She’s an awesome developmental editor and loves reading. She lives with her hubs and four kitters and spends her free time gaming or roleplaying. She is our Google-fu Guru and Master of Random Knowledge. She is responsible for cleaning up points of ignorance in our stories and making sure we know what we’re talking about when we don’t. She’s also the Catcher of Repeated Words and our shield against forgetting characters for too many scenes. Perhaps most importantly, she’s my best cheerleader, the rock of my support network, and the best smacker of my stupids.  Must see, can not live with out. 10/10 would hug again. And again. And again! BestCat! 


Brenda Nix Lively
Copy editor, Proofreader

Brenda is an old friend of the family. Shei and Anna met her years ago at a groovy gathering (back in the days when we kept touch via email and forums rather than Facebook) and have stayed friends ever since. She’s a beautiful, bright spirit with a lovely family of her own, and a way with words. Brenda has a passion for editing because she loves good stories and helping authors get their stories out there in good shape! She’s been our copy editor and proofreader for years now and we couldn’t do this without her! Brenda works hard, fast, and does a great job! She’s absolutely fabulous! And if you’re looking for a copy editor, she’s for hire at her own site www.livelyeditingservices.com (site is under construction, coming soon!).